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How to Book a Day Use Hotel Room

Flexible hotel stays that fit your schedule.

3 easy steps to book

Step 1Choose City & Day


Step 2Select Property & Timeband


Step 3Confirm & Enjoy

It’s not just romance by the hour

Each property provides different services, rates & timebands as well as occupancy per room.

5:30am — 1:00pm 4
10:30am — 12:30pm 2
2:30am — 9:00am 4
1:00pm — 7:00pm 6
9:30pm — 11:30pm 5
1:30pm — 4:30pm 3
1:00pm — 1:00pm 6
3:30am — 11:30pm 3
1:30am — 1:00pm 4
2:30pm — 8:30pm 3
10:00pm — 10:00pm 5
5:30am — 6:00pm 2
9:30am — 9:30am 4
7:30pm — 11:00pm 2
5:30pm — 7:00pm 4

What you need to know before booking

Seamless Check-In

Bring a valid photo ID & matching credit card for check-in at the front desk.

Payment Options

Pay now, pay later, refundable, or not refundable. Whatever payment method you desire, we have you covered.

Flexible Stays

Each property provides different rates and time bands. Choose from early check-in, late check-out, overnight rates, and everything in between.

Contact Us

Day stays are still a new service to most hoteliers. If you face an issue at the front desk, don't hesitate to get in touch.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I book a room for a few hours with HotelsByDay?

Are amenities included in the price of a day room?

Do day rates fluctuate?

General Booking Policy

Non-Refundable Bookings Policy

Why HotelsByDay?


Hourly stays, early check-in, late check-out


Pay now, pay later, easy cancelable


Up to 75% off from night stays


Earn loyalty points, and redeem for free stays

See How It Works

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