Dayuse Hotel Rooms
Need day use hotel rooms to recover from jet lags, freshen up, and get ready for your meetings? Day Use Hotel rooms for the Day When you need a day use hotel room for a few hours while you are on a business trip, away from your traditional work setting, HotelsByDay offers you a private…
5 Careers that Benefit from Hotel Day Stays
There are countless careers that enable people to travel while working. However, depending on your job and the nature of your stay, booking a hotel room overnight may not always be necessary, nor cost-effective. Looking to unwind in a quiet room for a few hours to rest and recharge, to wash up and relax in…
3 Growing Hospitality Trends in 2015 – HotelsByDay
When you look at growing hospitality trends in 2015 and beyond, one must consider the impact millennials are having, and will continue to have, on how hotels present themselves and curate their guest experiences. The rise of global warming, efforts to grow and consume more sustainable food, as well as the growing association between body…
Traveling Internationally with HotelsByDay
The concept of HotelsByDay is simple: connect businesspeople and travelers needing a hotel room during the day with luxury hotels in convenient locations at a fraction of what an overnight stay would cost. To-date, we’ve successfully booked over 38,000 hours worth of day stays, have nearly 200 hotels to choose from, and are in 19…
In Need of a Last Minute Check-in?
Most of our work routines have a set schedule: the ubiquitous “9-to-5.” Unfortunately, business travel interrupts that regular schedule. With early morning flights, pre-flight preparation, and uncomfortable seats, you’re likely to be more than a little exhausted when you land. And if you’re giving a high-stakes presentation, that’s the last thing you want. For leisure…
Need Some ‘Me Time’? Why a Short Stay Makes Sense
Hotels are typically used as an end-of-day resting place for travelers to recharge for the night. However, many situations arise in which travelers would benefit from daytime space — a temporary base of operations in the city during a layover or while waiting for a later meeting or event. HotelsByDay is there to help. Available…